Creating Conscious Change

within us and the world around us

Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung
Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung

Hola, we are Israel and  Katharina,

great that you found us! We met many years ago in the depths of the Amazon rainforest, brought together by the call of the master plants and the spirit world. Today we still follow this call, it guides us on a path of consciousness, healing and transformation.

As a Curandero and Völva, shamans, guides and consultants, we are all about living a self-determined life. In unison with Mother Earth and the Cosmos, and imbued with pure joie de vivre and life force. It is our heartfelt calling to accompany people on their path to themselves and into a fulfilled state of being. So they can feel life’s magic and bring their gifts into the world.

After decades on this path, we draw on a wealth of knowledge and experience that is deeply rooted in the ancient wisdom traditions of our ancestors: curanderismo of the Amazon region and Seidr of Northern Europe. It runs through our everyday life in the Swiss Jura mountains and Peruvian jungle, through shamanic ceremonies, transformation retreats, personal guidance and management consulting.

We are very much looking forward to sharing this with you. Welcome to Serving Life!




Homepage under construction!
Over the next few weeks, content on retreats, trainings, services, etc. will be added bit by bit. And of course 2024 dates as soon as they are available! If you need information before then, please write to us:
Email Israel & Katharina
Trainings in shamanic plant medicine
For individuals, therapists, healers and shamanic practitioners. From an intro course to a professional advanced training, there's something for everyone. Currently only available in German, this will launch in English in 2024 - stay tuned!
More information on the trainings here
Santuario Pachaymanto
We are currently building a new spiritual camp deep in the Amazon rainforest of Peru, approx. 2hrs by boat from Iquitos. Specialising in Ayahuasca retreats and personal encounters with master plants. We'll open in Spring 2024 - more info coming soon...
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Chalice of primordial power
A group of 8 courageous women going on a year-long journey deep within. Starting March 2024. Stay tuned for more!
Join the waiting list
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Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung

is a Völva (seeress in Seidr) deeply rooted in the shamanic traditions of Northern Europe and Germanic-Celtic folk traditions. She is a trail blazer, spiritual teacher and an absolute free spirit who combines 20 years of international management consulting experience with a lifelong quest for mysticism and the expansion of consciousness.

She walks the paths of ancient wisdom traditions since more than 30 years, learning from shamans and healers in Europe, Peru, Mongolia and Canada. She has studied with some of the world’s leading experts in holistic transformation, energy medicine and personal development. Katharina practices since 2002 and has been teaching worldwide since 2011.


Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung

is an Curandero (healer) who is deeply connected to the wisdom and healing power of the Amazon rainforest. He grew up in Peru in the heart of the jungle. His grandfather, a healer from the Yagua tribe, introduced him to the plant medicine ways of his ancestors when he was just 4 years old.

He worked for more than 10 years in a spiritual camp in the jungle. With the help of traditional plant medicine he accompanied European clients on their healing path and spiritual evolution. 

Since 2020, he has been living and working in Switzerland with Katharina. In 2022, he founded his own camp in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, where he works with clients multiple times per year.

What is Serving Life?

Serving Life is what we live every day as family. And what we share with people on our path.

Regardless of whether you are looking for more joy in life, your spiritual path or the expansion of your business. Whether you want to get a taste of the spirit world or expand your healing abilities. At Serving Life you can experience for yourself how to change your life consciously – to create what you are looking for, and so much more!

We work with an extraordinary transformational approach that enables profound changes in all areas of life. Within and without. At the heart of our approach is the expansion of consciousness as an individual self-awareness practice. To achieve this, we combine various powerful transformation tools:

* Shamanic plant medicine, ritual and energy work *

* Spiritual practices and initiation paths *

* Modern transformation techniques and systemic approaches *

* A natural everyday spirituality *

We combine all these elements in our healing craft, retreats, training and life guidance programs. Join us, we’re looking forward to meeting you!

Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung


Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung
Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung


Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung
Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung


Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung
Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung


Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung
Schamanische Pflanzenheilkunst und Wegbegleitung

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